
I will include some example pictures of scams below. I have redacted part of the phone numbers. These are all scams. A good guiding principal on the internet is, if you didn’t go looking for something specifically, and it found you, do NOT trust it! If you found something by looking for it specifically, you still need to be wary. Never let a person have remote control of your computer, unless you are SURE that they have good intentions. Most home users don’t need anyone to remote into their computer at all, except perhaps from someone like me, to assist with a certain issue. I will add screenshots of scams as I find different kinds to this page.

If you are reading this before you call the number and let the scammers into your computer or phone, great! You can get out of it fairly easily.
If you get a screen similar to this, it is a scam. To escape, you literally need to press (and probably hold it for a few seconds) your escape key ( ESC ) on your keyboard. Here is a link to a YouTube video I recorded showing how to escape from it. Link to YouTube video I recorded below:

I recommend you install an Ad Blocker. An active ad blocker would prevent a high percentage of people from getting taken to these scam websites. I use and recommend the free ad blocker “uBlock Origin”. It is available for most browsers.

If you are reading this after they have connected to your computer, then you need to do many things in order to protect yourself.

Here are a few of the more important items to think about, and some links that may give you other things to consider. This is not a comprehensive list.

  • Scan computer for remote access or malware. Scammers usually will install a remote access program and set it up so they can get into your computer anytime in the future. This needs to be remedied. They usually don’t install malware, but if they get remote control, they do usually set it up so that they can get back in anytime. If you don’t do fix this, they may try to scam you again and again, or may take over your computer from time to time to collect any new passwords you have saved. Turn off your internet from your computer, or just shut the computer down.
  • Assume any saved passwords you have (in your browsers) may have been copied by the scammers. You need to change those passwords for any important websites. Prioritize your email service, and any financial sites (banks, credit unions, retirement/investment), but also other sites where they could cost you money (Amazon, Target, Walmart, etc).
  • It’s also possible that they may have copied any files from your computer to their computer. This could include a password file (if you have one), tax returns, etc. There usually isn’t any log of what they have done, assume they could have done anything on your computer that you could have done, and accessed any file you have.
  • If they could have logged into your credit card or bank account, you need to contact the bank so they are aware. Changing those passwords should be done, but you may need to change account numbers, get new debit/credit cards, etc.
  • There are other online resources that can help you. I’ll put a few links here:–now-what–.html

If you want to see what one of the pages actually looks like, I have a saved copy you can visit. I have removed the phone number, and changed most of the words so it is obvious this is a test page. Link

Below are pictures and screenshots of some types of scams. I recommend you take a look to see some examples of what they will do. Some can be quite convincing.

An example webpage which usually has audio talking, trying to get you to call their scammers, which will likely talk you into letting them into your computer. The Youtube video link near the top of this page was recorded using this page. I did report it, and it was shut down less than 12 hours later. The scammers have probably created dozens more in the meantime.
An example of a fake invoice. The PDF attached to it I include below as a picture below. Does anyone actually believe that a multi billion dollar company (McAfee) would use a email address to send out their invoices? That is just crazy.
This is the PDF from the above email. I have redacted part of the phone number.
This is a fake invoice one of my customers received.
An example of a scam text sent via SMS to a cell phone.